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McGraw Hill Sharpen Logo
McGraw Hill Sharpen Logo

A new free study app to boost student success.

Sharpen is a mobile study app that provides students with trustworthy and engaging resources. Give students on-the-go practice with brief, lively content so they come to your class more prepared, confident, and ready to learn.

Support Student Success with Sharpen

Icon of a stack of 3 cards


Students interact with short videos, chapter summaries and quizzes

Icon of four squares, the first one is tilted like a diamond


Students track progress and improve baseline knowledge

Icon of a person


Promotes learning not answers

Illustration of a guy in a purple jumpsuit pointing to his right

Sharpen is free, supporting education for all

As students complete short, focused lessons, they gain confidence. Unlike other study apps on the market that give out answers, Sharpen supports academic integrity and real learning. Over 200,000 students use it!

A close up of an illustrated girl with a ponytail and glasses

Dr. Julia Kalish

Indiana University, Kelley School of Business

“Students are becoming more distracted while in class and having trouble finding time to study. Having engaging content that my students can relate to – and I know I can trust– will help them be better prepared.”

Illustration of a guy in a purple jumpsuit pointing to his right

Sharpen is free, supporting education for all

As students complete short, focused lessons, they gain confidence. Unlike other study apps on the market that give out answers, Sharpen supports academic integrity and real learning. Over 200,000 students use it!

A close up of an illustrated girl with a ponytail and glasses

Dr. Julia Kalish

Indiana University, Kelley School of Business

“Students are becoming more distracted while in class and having trouble finding time to study. Having engaging content that my students can relate to – and I know I can trust– will help them be better prepared.”

Promote Better Study Skills

Chapter content is efficient, taking just 15 minutes to complete

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a person speaking in a video summary

Video Overviews

Start with a 3-5 minute video overview

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a written summary of a chapter

Chapter Summaries

Swipe through a visual chapter summary

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a  quiz question with a A, B, C options where B is shown to be the correct answer and C is not


Assess your knowledge with chapter quizzes

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a flashcard


Flashcards help students learn new terminology

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a problem statement


Dive deeper with step-by-step practice problems

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a person speaking in a video summary

Video Overviews

Start with a 3-5 minute video overview

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a written summary of a chapter

Chapter Summaries

Swipe through a visual chapter summary

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a  quiz question with a A, B, C options where B is shown to be the correct answer and C is not


Assess your knowledge with chapter quizzes

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a flashcard


Flashcards help students learn new terminology

A mobile screenshot of the Sharpen app showing a problem statement


Dive deeper with step-by-step practice problems

Copy and paste the below to share Sharpen on your syllabus!

SHARPEN is a new free study app for our course. You will use it to study, take practice quizzes, and stay on track. Register here using your school email address:

An illustrated woman seated on the ground wearing a bun, in a pink top and pink shorts with a camera around her neck pointing to her right
An illustrated woman seated on the ground wearing a ponytail, glasses, a white shirt top, and orange pants and shoes with one arm holding a stack of books and the other raised in the air

One App = Instant Access to Over 100 Titles and Courses

Sharpen was designed by McGraw Hill subject matter experts to improve student engagement and success. Sharpen offers fresh, original content. Sharpen does not replace eBooks, Connect or McGraw Hill GO.

One App = Instant Access to Over 100 Titles and Courses

Sharpen was designed by McGraw Hill subject matter experts to improve student engagement and success. Sharpen offers fresh, original content. Sharpen does not replace eBooks, Connect or McGraw Hill GO.

An illustrated woman seated on the ground wearing a ponytail, glasses, a white shirt top, and orange pants and shoes with one arm holding a stack of books and the other raised in the air