The Future of Digital Assessment: Interactive Examinations, Assessment Equity and Originality Checking

Concurrent Session 3

Brief Abstract

Explore the benefits that a focused digital assessment solution can provide including: Interactive Assessment, Un-Biased Grading, Exam Equity, and Academic Integrity In The Face of Generative AI.


Roe empowers educators to address changes in digital learning with a comprehensive suite of assessment and integrity solutions. Which enables equity in the classroom and un-bias grading experiences for faculty and students. Prior to Inspera, Roe was President & GM of Follett Higher Education where he was instrumental in launching a major digital transformation effort that focused on creating digital academic tools & programs that leveled the playfield for students by providing all students with the course materials needed to be successful. As an advocate for disruption and change Roe formerly served for 5 years on the board of directors for Lumen Learning (Open Education Resources) content solutions that drive student retention, access, and success on college campuses. In earlier years, Roe worked in the Canadian higher education segment developing international student recruitment strategies for Asia, Europe, and the Middle-East.

Extended Abstract

In a digital learning environment where the majority of course materials are digital, progressing to a digital assessment environment seems like a natural transition. However, the explosion of digital content for learning has not necessarily resulted in digital innovation for examinations. Learn how to leverage interactive assessment elements to measure a student’s knowledge, how one can provide an exam experience that eliminates grading bias, while ensuring exam integrity and how to address academic integrity through originality checking tools. The presentation will explore:

• Current trends and give an outlook for digital assessment technologies
• Opportunities for interactive assessment types, accessibility experiences and expanded grading features
• Implementing new indicators of intelligence into exams
• How ChatGPT can generate and expand question bank content
• Academic integrity challenges including generative AI detection and originality checking