Embracing the Power of ChatGPT: A Workshop for Developing Assignments that Utilize ChatGPT

Concurrent Session 5

Brief Abstract

This hands-on workshop provides practical guidance for faculty and instructional designers on developing assignments that encourage the use of ChatGPT. Participants will gain insights into the potential benefits and limitations of ChatGPT, learn best practices for designing assignments, and develop strategies for ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusion. Attendees will leave with an action plan and new skills for enhancing student learning in online courses.


Walters is a professor within the field of web and mobile application development. For the past 20 years, she has taught both virtual and campus courses in database design and development, full-stack web and mobile application development, and human-computer interaction. Her research interests include trust mechanisms within the online environment, responsive design, student motivation, and academic integrity, and mobile learning accessibility.

Extended Abstract

This workshop provides an opportunity for participants to explore and develop assignments that utilize ChatGPT, a powerful language model that can generate responses in real-time. While some may be concerned about the potential for misuse or bias, it is generally better to embrace this technology in the classroom rather than restrict it. By incorporating ChatGPT in classroom assignments, educators can provide students with personalized learning experiences that meet their individual needs and interests. It can also foster creativity and innovation, as students can explore new ways of expressing themselves and engaging with the course material. Furthermore, ChatGPT can provide a valuable tool for students to receive immediate feedback on their work, allowing them to refine their ideas and improve their performance.

Restricting the use of ChatGPT in classroom assignments may not only limit students' learning experiences but also hinder their ability to develop critical digital literacy skills necessary for success in the 21st century. Moreover, avoiding or policing ChatGPT use may not necessarily prevent its misuse or bias. Instead, educators can proactively address potential ethical concerns by providing clear guidelines and expectations for using ChatGPT in assignments, and encouraging students to be responsible and respectful in their interactions with the technology.

Through practical, hands-on learning activities, participants will gain insights into the potential benefits and limitations of using ChatGPT in assignments, learn best practices for designing assignments that are engaging, meaningful, and aligned with course learning objectives, and gain strategies for ensuring that assignments are inclusive and respectful of diverse student backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives.

Facilitators will provide group and one-on-one guidance as necessary during the workshop. Participants will have the opportunity to work collaboratively and individually to develop assignments that utilize ChatGPT and receive feedback from peers and facilitators. The workshop will provide measurable outcomes, including the development of an action plan for implementing ChatGPT in assignments, the acquisition of a new skill in designing assignments that utilize ChatGPT, and significant insight into a new technology that can enhance student learning and success.  

Workshop Outline:
I. Introduction
A. Definition of ChatGPT and its potential to enhance student learning
B. Rationale for using ChatGPT in assignments and its relevance to online courses
C. Introduction to ChaptGPT and its capabilities 

II. Try It Yourself: Hands-On Activities
A. Presenter activity: Sharing examples of assignments that utilize ChatGPT to promote critical thinking and enhance creativity
 B. Collaborative activity: Brainstorming and designing assignments that utilize ChatGPT
C. Individual activity: Designing an assignment that utilizes ChatGPT
D. Peer feedback and facilitator guidance on participant assignment designs

III. Strategies for Developing Effective Assignments that Utilize ChatGPT
A. Best practices for designing assignments that are engaging, meaningful, and aligned with course learning objectives
B. Considerations for creating assignments that are inclusive and respectful of diverse student backgrounds, experiences, and perspective
C. Strategies for addressing potential biases and pitfalls in assignments that utilize ChatGPT
D. Audience participation: Group discussions on effective strategies for designing assignments that utilize ChatGPT

IV. Conclusion
A. Summary of key takeaways and outcomes from the workshop
B. Final reflections and practical tips for implementing ChatGPT in assignments
C. Q&A session: Addressing questions and concerns from the audience