Using Assessment Results to Improve Faculty Instruction Through Effective Training Centered on Student Learning, Development, and Success

Streamed Session Leadership

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

Assessment offers insights into areas of strength and areas of opportunity when it comes to student learning. Faculty Leadership and Support can apply these insights, tailoring faculty development to improve instruction. This presentation will provide attendees with effective practices and resources for utilizing assessment results to improve faculty instruction.


Max Fassnacht teaches history in the College of GeneralEducation & Psychology, serving as Lead Faculty of the history, government, and political science courses. He began teaching online in 2009 and has held adjunct, full-time, and lead faculty roles. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon where he enjoys the scenery of the city and its surroundings.
Sheneka Gioffredi, M.S., originally from Miami, Florida, has served as faculty in the College of General Education & Psychology at CTU since 2016, and is Lead Faculty of Humanities since 2019. For over 15 years she has held leadership positions in management and higher education, as well as adjunct faculty positions teaching courses in the Humanities and General Education. Sheneka is married, speaks Italian and enjoys learning, going for long walks and travel.

Extended Abstract

 The main purpose of assessment is to determine whether students are acquiring the content and skills specified in the learning outcomes. Assessment results can inform updates to learning outcomes, curriculum, assessment, policy and instruction to ensure consistent alignment to outcomes. Focusing on instruction, Faculty Leadership and Support can apply insights from assessment results, tailoring faculty development to improve instruction.

This presentation will provide strategies on how to use assessment results to ensure faculty instruction contributes to attainment of learning outcomes and success in a course. The presentation will provide insight into the leveraging of information points from assessment to improve classroom instruction. Methods for reading assessment findings with an emphasis on instruction and a goal of effective classroom teaching will be presented. Drawing from experiences within and beyond their University, speakers will explain how assessment can inform instruction. Attendees will learn how to interpret data demonstrating student learning of outcomes and how to apply it to faculty instruction. 

Attendees will be equipped with recommendations, effective practices and resources to draw from assessment results to develop their own strategies for supporting student success and the attainment of learning outcomes. Tools, strategies and examples of how to use insights from assessment to train faculty will also be provided. Attendees will also be equipped with a set of processes and resources to organize effective faculty development plans informed by assessment results. Attendees will be able to interact with the presenters asynchronously, posting comments and questions.