Why the University of Florida Implemented Institution-Wide Proctoring

Concurrent Session 3

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

According to EDUCAUSE’s 2023 Higher Education Trend Watch, the “continuation and normalization of hybrid and online learning” is among the top ten trends impacting higher education today. As institutions navigate the continuous shift in the educational landscape, they find themselves asking: Should remote testing options be offered to all students whether in-person, fully online, or hybrid? How would it impact student success and academic integrity?

Join Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D., former University of Florida Assistant Provost for Distance Learning, as he delves into the impact of the pandemic and how it drove UF to expand hybrid learning. Learn about the benefits the university saw in offering online proctoring for the entire student population and how they have leveraged technology to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Dr. Marchman will share his perspective on the future of learning and the vital role that institutional technology will play in student success.


Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D. is the former Assistant Provost and Director of Distance Learning at the University of Florida. Dr. Marchman is a proud four-time graduate of the University of Florida. He earned his undergraduate degree in Political Science, M.Ed. in Social Science Education, Ed.S. and Ph.D. in Educational Leadership, each from UF. In addition, Dr. Marchman completed post-doctoral work in a certificate programs at Harvard University's Graduate School and Yale University. Dr. Marchman's career as an educational leader has included distinguished service as a teacher, principal, district administrator, and adjunct professor, including teaching and leading online. As a leader at the Florida Virtual School, Dr. Marchman founded the first-of-its-kind-anywhere, award-winning virtual teaching internship program in collaboration with Florida universities. Additionally, Dr. Marchman is a certified Corporate Coach and founded and led the Florida Virtual School Developing Leader Program. A Graduate Faculty Scholar at the University of Central Florida, he has also taught at the University of Florida and University of South Florida. During a two-decade career as a student advocate and servant-leader, including teaching and administrative roles at the University of Florida's P.K. Yonge Developmental Research School, Dr. Marchman has been named Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year. Dr. Marchman serves on the Board of Directors of Florida ASCD the Florida Sterling Council and is a member of the United States Distance Learning Association. The author of several professional publications, Dr. Marchman has also presented at numerous state, national, and international conferences. While the director of UF's Office of Distance Learning, a unit in the Associate Provost's Office for Teaching & Technology, Dr. Marchman was responsible for online academic integrity, and remote proctoring solutions, online course production, Distance Learning program and student support, Flexible Learning, the TREEO Center, as well as non-credit Professional Development, Executive Education, and Conferences.

Extended Abstract

According to EDUCAUSE’s 2023 Higher Education Trend Watch, the “continuation and normalization of hybrid and online learning” is among the top ten trends impacting higher education today. As institutions navigate the continuous shift in the educational landscape, they find themselves asking: Should remote testing options be offered to all students whether in-person, fully online, or hybrid? How would it impact student success and academic integrity?

A global crisis accelerated the adoption of technology in both the classroom and the workplace. While most students and faculty have embraced these tools, many institutions are navigating how to best leverage technology to create conducive hybrid learning environments that level the playing field for all students and prepare them for a successful future. 

Join Brian K. Marchman, Ph.D., former University of Florida Assistant Provost for Distance Learning, as he delves into the impact of the pandemic and how it drove the need to expand hybrid learning. Learn about the benefits of the hybrid approach and the ability to leverage technology to enhance the teaching experience. Dr. Marchman will share his perspective on the future of remote education and the vital role that institutional technology will play in student success.

As the session begins, Dr. Marchman will begin by discussing the impact of the global pandemic on the University of Florida and how it accelerated the need to scale online learning. He will then proceed to describe the benefits of hybrid learning options for students and faculty including:

  • Increased flexibility to meet student expectations and needs

  • How faculty can leverage technology to dedicate more time to the teaching experience

  • How to uphold academic integrity in a hybrid learning environment

Following that, Dr. Marchman will discuss the future of remote education and how institutions can equip students with the necessary social, technological, and communication skills needed to be successful in an increasingly digital future. The audience will have the ability to participate and engage throughout the session.