Design for Change: Building DEI Training Hiring Committees at MSU

Concurrent Session 4

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

As institutions of higher education, universities play a critical role in shaping society's values and beliefs through education and research. This presentation will discuss the process of developing and implementing this new training program, including the challenges, successes, and lessons learned.


Dave Goodrich (@rangerdavie) likes to learn, design, and reflect.

Extended Abstract

As institutions of higher education, universities play a critical role in shaping society's values and beliefs through education and research. One crucial aspect of this responsibility is promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on campus. However, achieving this goal requires a collective effort from every level of the institution, including the hiring process. Michigan State University (MSU) recognizes the importance of building diverse teams and has taken the initiative to implement a new hiring process that includes DEI training for search committees. This presentation will discuss the process of developing and implementing this new training program, including the challenges, successes, and lessons learned. The presentation will also explore the impact of the training on the hiring process, including the diversity of applicants and successful hires. The goal of this presentation is to share our experiences and provide insight into how other institutions can adapt and implement similar programs to promote DEI in their hiring processes.