Connecting to Graduate Students Enrolled in Asynchronous Online Learning Programs: Creating Social Presence and a Sense of Belonging

Streamed Session

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

Learn ways to connect with non-traditional graduate students in asynchronous online programs to maintain social presence and develop a sense of belonging; examples include: events, social media, virtual meetups, guest speakers, impromptu videos, etc. Participants will leave with a collaborative document created by crowdsourcing the details of these ideas and more.

Extended Abstract

The session facilitators are university faculty members/program coordinators of asynchronous online programs for non-traditional graduate students in Master of Education degree programs; students are employed at full-time jobs while taking graduate courses. Facilitators will provide attendees with examples of possible ways to help graduate students who take all asynchronous online coursework feel connected to the university, instructors, peers, alumni, and program coordinator. For example, attending optional events in which students choose their level of engagement - gatherings on campus and in the local community, virtual meetups, conference attendance; engaging students in coursework - guest speakers, impromptu videos; and using social media as a tool – event promos, sharing of articles, discussions. A collaborative document will be utilized to share ideas and elicit participant participation by contributing to a compilation of ways to help online students feel connected and foster a sense of belonging. Facilitators will elicit oral participant discussion at various points throughout the presentation as well.