Digital Learning Strategy Guides: Step by Step Guidance in Creating Equitable Digital Learning Experiences

Concurrent Session 2
Streamed Session

Brief Abstract

High quality digital learning experiences are built on the principle of providing equitable, inclusive, and accessible learning environments that facilitate student learning. These experiences rely on the purposeful use of relevant features and functionality of digital learning technologies to create student-centered learning and enable evidence-based teaching practices. This session shares strategy guides specific to intentional use of digital tools and how to make meaning of the data dashboards available with digital courseware. 


Susan works to support and strengthen Achieving the Dream’s network impact through the design and delivery of high-quality online and in-person learning experiences by collaborating across all of ATD’s departments to analyze instructional outcomes and provide expertise in planning, development and delivery.

Extended Abstract

High quality digital learning experiences are built on the principle of providing equitable, inclusive, and accessible learning environments that facilitate student learning. These experiences rely on the purposeful use of relevant features and functionality of digital learning technologies to create student-centered learning and enable evidence-based teaching practices. This session shares strategy guides with actionable steps for onboarding students to course technologies, for creating a strong course structure that ensures alignment of course content with digital technologies and optimizing learning analytics data through data-informed instruction. 

Participants will be able to: 

  1. Craft a student onboarding plan that invites student agency to effectively learn with digital technology.  
  2. Identify structures and processes needed to integrate digital courseware in a course. 
  3. Recognize the benefits of data informed instruction and identify potential teaching moves based on common data reports.