Maximizing Student Success and Engagement: The Power of Padlet in Online Learning

Concurrent Session 2

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

As educators, we all want our students to succeed and engage with the material especially in the online setting. Paddle is a digital platform that allows us to do just that. It's a virtual bulletin board or participants compose and share notes images and videos and other multimedia that can be  assessed anytime anywhere. With Padlet;we can create an interactive and collaborative learning environment that promotes greater student engagement and success.

Extended Abstract

Incorporating Padlet into your online classroom is crucial in today's education landscape. It promotes an active and dynamic learning environment where students are encouraged to collaborate, create, and share knowledge. At the core of Padlet's success is it versatility it can be used in various ways to support various learning activities from brainstorming and discussion to research or sharing multimedia content. Why is Padlet relevant and essential to this community? We all enjoy experiencing effective and engaging virtual teaching tools. Padlet allows us to create an interactive and dynamic learning experience that keep students engaged connected and motivated. This tool is perfect for collaborative learning distance-learning and allow students to stay organized with course material. 

We will explore how to use padlet to support student learning. First, we will;create a demonstration board together will start then customize layout followed by engage in a group discussion. This interactive session will enable you to experience Padlet& it's benefits and potential for your online classroom experience.


By the end of the session you'll have the necessary tools and knowledge to start using Padlet to create dynamic interactive and collaborative learning experiences for your students.