Technology Test Kitchen: Sierra’s Recipes for Success

Streamed Session

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Brief Abstract

Are you hungry for some new ways to create engaging experiences with technology? Then come to the test kitchen, because Sierra has a whole meal planned out for you. From appetizers that help you create asynchronous games to the savory resources and recipes for success, Sierra has you covered. You will be able to fully participate in the menu creation and hear about best practices from Sierra along the way.


When COVID-19 forced the world to go virtual, Sierra Adare-Tasiwoopa ápi, the Instructional Technologist in the Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence at Nevada State College, reimagined the Center’s Technology Test Kitchen as a fully synchronous online version. Before joining Nevada State College, Sierra worked as the Instructional Support Specialist at Niagara University, developing online courses in the effective use of Canvas and online course design, in addition to providing training on Canvas and other classroom technologies. She managed the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, conducting a variety of active and integrative learning workshops centered around hands-on, concentrated, independent or scaffolded themes that emphasize the latest research and best practices in instructional technology, outcomes, assessment, pedagogy, and online learning for both the U.S. and Canadian campuses. Sierra has presented interactive sessions on educational technology, course gamification, escape rooms, role playing games, and storytelling at the Lilly Conference, InstructureCon, the Intermountain Regional Teaching 4 Learning Conference, the Oral History Association conference, the American Studies Storytellers conference, Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers conference, and the Nevada State College Active Learning Retreat. She is the co-author of the forthcoming book Gamification in Higher Education: A How-To Instructional Guide being published by Routledge.

Extended Abstract