A JEDI Centered syllabus using a justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion lens.

Streamed Session

Brief Abstract

Have you ever reviewed your syllabus with a JEDI lens:? The overall goal of this session is to provide information and discussion on what JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) is as well as what belonging, and community look and feel like in a syllabus. 

Extended Abstract

Have you ever reviewed your syllabus with a JEDI lens:? The overall goal of this session is to provide information and discussion on what JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) is as well as what belonging, and community look and feel like in a syllabus. Illustrations of common syllabi language will be presented and highlighted. Ten clear steps using a JEDI lens will be shared to create and revise syllabi with a JEDI lens. In the spirit of equity and growth-focused mindsets, our recommendations are applicable and malleable to STEM disciplines and undergraduate-serving institutions with diverse student populations.


  • Unpack the concept of privilege and how that can be presented to students via the syllabus
  • Define belonging and community
  • Provide illustrations of what an equity-minded syllabus looks and feels like.
  • Provide an open discussion on how to include justice, diversity, and inclusion in written course elements.
  • Provide an open space to identify concerns and possible solutions to changing the syllabus
  • Why and how this work is important and can domino into other areas such as grading practices


  • Identify the barriers to institutional language for STEM students
  • Provide space and information to identify the concern of syllabus wording that is not per an equitable mindset, especially for BIPOC and other marginalized student populations

Key Takeaways

  • Identify the importance of this work for our diverse student populations
  • Provide ten clear steps that can be taken to change the syllabus to be more equity-focused