Designing Globally Relevant Curriculum: Strategies for Culturally Responsive Teaching

Concurrent Session 8

Brief Abstract

Emerging virtual learning modalities can unlock new cross-cultural peer-to-peer learning experiences. This session will focus on how flexible and technology-enabled course modalities (asynchronous, ‘watch-party’, mixed-modal courses) can improve learning outcomes from a culturally responsive perspective.

Extended Abstract

The world needs digital learning tools that bring us closer together, create meaningful experiences, and affirm our identity and belonging. Technology is opening a new world of opportunity in the digital learning space. Anyone can learn from the very best minds and experts worldwide, from any place in the world. Emerging virtual learning modalities can unlock new cross-cultural peer-to-peer learning experiences.
Using a design thinking approach, this session will focus on how flexible and technology-enabled course modalities (asynchronous, ‘watch-party’, mixed-modal courses) can improve learning outcomes from a culturally responsive perspective. Leveraging success stories and ideas from fellow educators and course designers, this workshop will help participants consider how their courses can benefit from cutting-edge virtual learning technologies and culturally responsive instruction.

Key takeaways from this session include:
- Practical workshop focusing on adapting curriculum to promote cultural understanding and global awareness.
- Hands-on activities and collaborative exercises
- Sharing best practices and success stories from educators
- Reviewing Global Teaching Competencies Toolkit (Matrix, Modules)