Infusing Culture into Curriculum Design at an HBCU

Concurrent Session 7

Session Materials

Brief Abstract

The culture of a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) is felt when you step foot on campus. The session will include a discussion on how the first online degree was piloted at an all-male HBCU and how nuggets of the culture were embedded into the curriculum content.

Extended Abstract

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have a reputation of culture and community. How do you move the culture of an HBCU to an online degree? How about the student that never steps foot on campus but wants to experience the culture? When the first online degree was piloted at an all-male HBCU, one of the challenges was how to include some of the culture of the institution. The session will include a discussion on how the first online degree was piloted and how the culture was embedded into the online curriculum space.