Four-point change management methodology and the demographic cliff

Concurrent Session 4

Brief Abstract

This session will explore the challenge higher education faces today related to the demographic cliff impact on enrollment using a four-point methodology to address leading change.  Various small group discussion prompts will be utilized with the audience to consider how the proposed methodology might be implemented on their campuses.


Dr. Vickie S. Cook is the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment & Retention Management and Research Professor of Education at the University of Illinois Springfield. She leads a team of Enrollment Management professional staff in executing strategic work in the areas of Admissions Recruitment, Records and Registration, Admissions Processing, Financial Aid, and new Student Orientation. Dr. Cook has been actively engaged providing consulting and faculty development with educational leaders across the U.S. Canada, and Mexico. Her work has been published in a variety of national educational publications. Her current research agenda focuses on two areas: The impact of generational learning on higher education and the impact of a systems approach for higher education leadership. She has served on several regional and national committees and boards, as well as having been a long-time member of Illinois Council on Continuing Higher Education (ICCHE) serving in multiple roles on the Executive Board; served as a board member of the University Professionals & Continuing Education Association (UPCEA); is a member of the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Board. She was named a 2017 University of Illinois President’s Executive Leadership Fellow and a 2017 Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Fellow. Dr. Cook holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration and an M.S. in Adult Education.

Extended Abstract

This session will explore the challenge higher education faces today related to the demographic cliff impact on enrollment using a four-point methodology to address leading change.  Various small group discussion prompts will be utilized with the audience to consider how the proposed methodology might be implemented on their campuses.

The session will explore the enrollment challenges created by the demographic cliff and the pandemic facing private, public, regional comprehensive, and other types of institutions. We will also recognize that there is not a one-size fits all approach that will address these challenges.  This session will explore a four-point methodology on building the necessary environment to lead and direct change that will assist leaders at various levels in creating positive change for the institution.

The four-point methodology will look specifically at the need to understand the specific problem.  It is not enough to say we have an enrollment problem.  It is important for each institution to be able to define what that means for their institution.  It is critical that the problem be understood globally but responded to locally. This is key to building buy-in from across campus to assist in the initiation of change.   The second consideration is to review what is happening in the field and where solutions have been implemented and how they may or may not be appropriate to a specific institution. Campus discussions to consider researched approaches and how an appropriate team is reviewing information to consider for your own change management plan.   The third point is to use data-informed approaches to lead change.  This includes determining appropriate data collection both internally and externally and the appropriate inclusion of both qualitative and quantitative data to build appropriate team understanding of the issue on your campus.  Finally, a plan for evaluation and assessment in regular intervals will be discussed to assist with the management of change.

Through the use of the four-point methodology for change management, leaders will be able to plan and lead change that can affect a variety of issues and challenges.  This session will look specifically at the demographic cliff and subsequent enrollment challenges.