Mission: Learner Choice - Defeating the Hegemonic Entity (A Block Party Breakout Session)

Brief Abstract

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to reshape online education through learner choice by defeating the Hegemonic Entity, also known as the HE. The HE is running rampant in online learning, actively working to destroy the power of learner choice–it must be destroyed! As an attendee you will be sent on a mission with a team of fellow agents through a fast-paced, dynamic journey to defeat the HE. Using key mission technology your team will complete your selected mission objectives as you confront the evil HE by learning to empower your students with choice.


Adam Baldry is an Instructional Technologist at Pima Community College. He holds an MA in East Asian Studies and is currently a Higher Education graduate student at the University of Arizona. Adam uses his 10+ years of in-person and online teaching experience to inform his approach to EdTech management and innovation. Taking a human-centered design thinking approach to EdTech implementation, Adam enjoys working with others to apply innovative tech solutions to pedagogical stumbling blocks. As a trained humanist, Asianist, technologist and teacher, he seeks to incorporate simplicity, humanity and mindfulness into his work.

Extended Abstract