How to implement the High Impact Practice of Live Learning courses in Higher Ed: a STEM case study

Streamed Session

Brief Abstract

Collect your toolkit of supplies and tap into insider know-how on implementing required and optional virtual live learning.

Participants will discover:

*Why this High Impact Practice (HIP) is especially beneficial in STEM courses.

*Get inspired by Live Learning Student Success Stories.

*Our belonging approach: The Three C’s of Live Learning.


Have been teaching in Higher Ed a long time and still love it. Get excited about the first day of school like a kid! Active in retention projects, DEIB initiatives, faculty training and the learner centered classroom. My top strength is learner!

Extended Abstract

My presentation will cover the Live Learning project for First Year Learners and focus on how it was implemented and expanded in online mathematics courses. This is important to the community as offering successful High Impact Practices like Live Learning is a practical application of empathy as a driver for nontraditional student success.


In this interactive presentation, I’ll share about our successful live learning initiative, and using multimedia, polls, student quotes and success stories, I’ll relate how we went from a pilot to full implementation using examples that relate to those in attendance.


*Who Benefits: Student Success Stories

*Why this High Impact Practice (HIP) is especially beneficial in STEM courses.

*Our belonging approach: The Three C’s of Live Learning

*The power of connections: Connect with learners & Connect course material to real life. Next, students are primed to be receptive to Clear Concise explanations (delivered with enthusiasm).

*Quality Matters: How to Expand Successfully

*Multiply Student Success: How More Learners can Benefit


Throughout the presentation, participants will experience collaborative moments including these: discussing why connecting with students initially pays off, best practices to connect with learners online, and how to collect data and share it to enlist University support. I’ll address how to select a topic for required live learning and how to fully prepare other professors to host live learning that delivers benefits to learners. Interacting with students live has intrinsic rewards for professors; I’ll share ideas on how to mine that gold to address and eliminate student pain points.

Participants will leave inspired by student stories and equipped with a toolkit of supplies and focused insider know-how on implementing required and optional live learning in their virtual Higher Ed classrooms.


Interactivity Description: I will use multimedia and polls and invite audience participation. I’ll start by learn about attendees and customize stories and examples to the attending group. The learning community will have opportunities to exchange ideas on best practices to make connections when learning fully online.


Throughout the presentation, there will be interactive conversations and collaborative moments including multimedia and polls, including these: why connecting with students initially pays off, best practices to connect online, and how to select relevant topics for required live learning that tie into course learning outcomes. If there is time, we may split into breakout rooms.