ChatGPT in Education: Partner or pariah?

Concurrent Session 8

Brief Abstract

In this session, we will explore the applications of ChatGPT in education, use ChatGPT to explore challenges of its own incorporation, and talk about historical precedent for ChatGPT-like innovations.


David Joyner is the Associate Director for Student Experience in Georgia Tech's College of Computing, overseeing the administration of the college's online Master of Science in Computer Science program as well as its new online undergraduate offerings. He has developed and teaches CS6460: Educational Technology, CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction, and CS1301: Introduction to Computing, all online.

Extended Abstract

This session is based on the XRDS article of the same name: "ChatGPT in Education: Partner or pariah?"

As we venture into an era of rapid technological advancements, the landscape of education is evolving, challenging educators to adapt and innovate their teaching practices. In this workshop, we will explore the impact of ChatGPT, a transformative artificial intelligence (AI) language model developed by OpenAI, on the education sector, and discuss how teachers can harness its potential to enhance learning experiences, promote personal investment, and foster critical thinking.

The session will begin with a brief historical overview of technological initiatives that have revolutionized education, such as graphing calculators, smartphones, and the internet. We will analyze the influence of these innovations on teaching and learning practices, drawing parallels with the impact of ChatGPT on contemporary education. This discussion will not only provide context but also help us appreciate the transformative power of AI in education.

Subsequently, we will delve into the underlying mechanics of ChatGPT, its strengths, and its limitations. By gaining an understanding of how this AI language model functions, participants will be better equipped to utilize ChatGPT effectively in their classrooms. The discussion will also address the ethical considerations of using AI in education, including concerns related to privacy, data security, and the potential for bias in AI-generated content.

The workshop will then engage participants in a series of hands-on exercises designed to demonstrate the practical applications of ChatGPT in education. The first exercise will involve teachers using ChatGPT to generate answers to a sample homework assignment. This activity will enable participants to explore the capabilities of ChatGPT and understand its potential in providing immediate, personalized feedback to students.

Recognizing that the use of AI-generated content can sometimes lead to plagiarism, the next exercise will challenge teachers to design homework prompts that encourage students to reflect on their personal experiences and perspectives, fostering a deeper connection with the material. By focusing on prompts that require personal investment, educators can mitigate the temptation to simply copy content generated by ChatGPT.

Finally, participants will have the opportunity to answer one another's prompts using ChatGPT as a resource. This activity will simulate a student's experience and facilitate a discussion on the effectiveness of the AI-generated responses, the degree to which they reflect personal knowledge, and how ChatGPT can be used as a tool for generating ideas or augmenting one's own understanding.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants will have gained a better understanding of the role of ChatGPT in education and acquired the skills necessary to effectively integrate AI-generated content into their teaching practices. They will also be equipped with strategies to design prompts that foster personal investment and critical thinking, helping students derive more meaningful and engaging learning experiences.