Online Teaching Motivation Survey: A Tool for Educational Leaders

Concurrent Session 5

Brief Abstract

This session will present the Online Teaching Motivation Survey (OTMS), a tool designed to assess educators' motivation for teaching in an online environment. Specifically, this session will highlight a sub-scale of the OTMS designed to measure teachers' perceived administrative support for online teaching in their school or district. 

Extended Abstract

In a post-pandemic era, many K-12 schools and districts are continuing to use online teaching and learning tools. The implementation of online teaching and learning occurs in diverse settings, such as fully virtual classrooms, hybrid or blended learning experiences, and through supplemental learning activities embedded in the physical classroom. As implementation of online teaching and learning continues, it is crucial for school administrators to have an instrument that evaluates if they are providing effective supports for teachers implementing online instruction and guidance for how to improve their leadership practices in this area.

This session will present the Online Teaching Motivation Survey (OTMS), a potential tool for educational leaders to support online teaching and learning in their schools and districts. OTMS is an instrument designed to assess educators' motivation for teaching in an online environment. In addition to measuring teachers' efficacy for online teaching and their beliefs about online learning, the OTMS also contains a scale to measure teachers' perceived administrative support for online teaching in their school or district. By leveraging the information that this instrument can provide, educational leaders can evaluate their educators' perceptions of the support that they are currently receiving for online teaching and then make formative changes based on this data. This session will present in-depth information about the OTMS instrument and discuss applications of the survey for educational leaders who are seeking to actively support online teaching and learning in their school or district.