Multimodal Academic Support: Using Chat to Engage Online Students and Connect Team Members

Concurrent Session 5

Brief Abstract

Online learners encounter several barriers in the pursuit of a degree. Multimodal support engages and empowers learners in the online learning environment. Supporting students through asynchronous and synchronous interactions such as tickets and chat and collaborating with other academic departments helps learners overcome barriers and develop academic confidence.

Extended Abstract

Online learners face many challenges in the pursuit of a degree. The virtual environment is fraught with uncertainties for learners who must adapt to new ways of locating resources and accessing support. Academic concerns with appropriate formatting, confusing terminology, and sifting through and assessing seemingly endless online resources can become an overwhelming if not insurmountable challenge for many students. Also, learners who have stepped away from higher education may lack confidence in their academic abilities in a dynamic online environment.  

Online learners often approach their studies with a perception that little assistance is available. Without scheduled seat time, learners may not know when and how to reach out to instructors for guidance. The transition from a brick-and-mortar education to a fully online modality can highlight a perception that virtual learning is depersonalized and does not consider each learner's uniqueness. In an online setting, learners may often struggle with finding places to fit in and question their sense of belonging on the virtual campus. 

The Academic Success Center’s multimodal support to online learners is one way to engage and empower learners in the online learning environment. Chat provides a unique opportunity to support students in synchronous and asynchronous formats, in ways that are specific, customized, and personalized. Chat offers a “low stakes” entry point for learners to engage with a real person, leading to an immediate solution to their concerns and resources to guide the students’ next steps. Students are connected to a live person in real time increasing their connection to the university, often providing just-in-time support to meet the academic needs of online learners. Chat team members can also collaborate across departments quickly to find the best solutions for the learner.