A Time for Learning Experience Designers: Empathy Across the Learner Journey

Concurrent Session 3

Brief Abstract

More than ever, understanding the whole student urges rethinking instruction and student services with learner empathy at the core. Learning experience designers look beyond courses to personalize the entire learning journey. A Learning Experience Design (LxD) expert panel will discuss the paradigm shift, emergent practices, and anticipated impacts across the higher education landscape.  


With over 25 years of professional experience in education, Dr. Jason P. Marin currently holds the position of Manager of Instructional Faculty for the Learning Experience Design and Educational Technology program at Western Governors University. Throughout his career, Jason has undertaken various roles, including that of a middle school physical science teacher, a high school physics teacher, a middle and high school principal, a graduate-level higher education instructor, and a leader of higher education programs. Jason’s educational background includes a B.S. in Physics/Secondary Education, an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Administration. Notably, he also serves as an instructor of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), which pairs well with his dedication to incorporating empathy into the creation of meaningful learning experiences for students. Jason and his family reside in Flagler Beach, Florida, where he shares his life with his wife Jennifer, son Connor, and daughter Ella.

Extended Abstract

In the past, learning designers typically placed the creation of effective instructional materials and their delivery at the center of their work. However, as the learning design field has evolved through user experience, gamification and online learning research, the focus has shifted to placing the learner experience at the core of the design work. Particularly, learner empathy – understanding the wants, needs and lived experiences of the audience – should drive all student interactions. In the pandemic era, achievement gaps, SEL, as well as DE&I challenges have increased, further illustrating the need for empathetic approaches that can foster equity and attainment – thus, the rise of learning experience design (LxD).  

While instructional design is still a key component of LxD, a more holistic approach is needed.  We’ve learned from UX research that a pleasurable experience, more than any other element, drives repeat use and product loyalty. Design thinking has emerged as a key skill set, as empathy-based design has shifted the mindset to creating an end-to-end experience. The consumer-facing technology space particularly understands how confidence dictates how often someone might use the product, but whether they would recommend it to others or buy additional items themselves. Unboxing videos on YouTube illustrate the product experience from the very beginning, as consumers first interact with an item and consider confidence levels.  To quote Steve Jobs, Apple’s design champion from the beginning, “Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works.”

How does an empathy-based design paradigm add value end-to-end in higher education? Given LxD’s potential for positive student outcomes, some higher education institutions have begun appointing Chief Experience Officers to their C-Suites.

In this session, a panel of LxD experts will engage with the audience to discuss how this design paradigm might improve persistence, achievement, and attainment, as well as motivation to seek additional learning, thereby promoting lifelong learning and personal growth.  In particular, session discussions will unpack how LxD might:

  • Provide a seamless experience throughout the entire learning journey by expanding the aperture beyond individual courses to the entire learning ecosystem, including online student services, technology integration, and resources.
  • Foster a sense of belonging and community among students.
  • Create personalized learning pathways for students, based on their individual interests, goals, and learning styles.
  • Increase learner equity, accessibility, opportunity, and attainment.
  • Drive meaningful assessment experiences, which build critical thinking.

Level of Participation:

  • For the first 25 minutes, the panel will discuss our pre-determined items. However, we will collect questions from the audience via pollEverywhere.
  • For the remaining time, we will facilitate a reverse Q&A and ask the following provocative questions:
    • Traditional Instructional Design vs Learning Experience Design? Is LxD just a fad?
    • If LxD is the next generation of ID… what is the next generation of LxD?
    • How might AI impact this process given LxD’s focus on empathy and context? Do we envision a day when AI can become the LxD?

(Each audience member must keep their response to 1 minute – we go to a new person before we circle back to anyone)

Session Goals:

Individuals attending this panel discussion will be able to describe how LxD begins with learner empathy.  They will be able to discuss how LxD opens the aperture beyond courses to encompass the entire learning experience. And lastly, they will be able to articulate to leaders how the LxD mindset, along with appropriate technology investments, can foster personalized learning across the institution, leading to greater access, equity and attainment.